Tuesday, July 23, 2013

First day of daycare

Yesterday was Carter’s first day of daycare.To say I was an emotional wreck would be an understatement.  At least Carter looked cute for the occasion.

First Day Small

Being the planner that I am I had his diaper bag packed and ready to go Sunday night. I made sure to pack plenty of diapers and wipes, two changes of clothes, gas drops, a blanket that smells like home, an extra binky and the magical sling. And, of course, plenty of breastmillk. But I may have gone a little crazy on the labeling of his things… maybe. At least his clothes already have his name in them! Ha! (Get it? Carter has clothes from Carter’s… haha! Ok, bad joke.)

2013-07-23 07.20.40

I know Carter is in good hands with our care provider, Carrie. She goes to our church and has been running her own (licensed) daycare facility out of her home for over 20 years. Carter is the only infant there right now so he gets lots of attention. The kids who were there yesterday were already very interested in him.

Overall his first day went well. He took all four of his bottles and was only fussy for an hour in the afternoon even though he didn’t really nap during the day. Carrie said he enjoyed watching the older kids play. When I came to pick him up he was playing on the floor and gave me the biggest smile when he saw me. That was the best feeling!

I always knew this would be a difficult transition, but  never knew just how hard it would be until it was happening. Even though we like Carrie and totally trust her with Carter I don’t think it will ever be easy to leave him with someone else for the day. All I know is 5:00 will never come soon enough! Here’s praying that we all can adjust to this new schedule.


  1. Hugs!!! Know you aren't alone! :)

  2. Thinking about you. I remember how hard it was for Jennifer when she went back to work and she left her babies with family! Hoping things only get easier as time goes on.


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