Stressed doesn’t even begin to describe how I was feeling.
I raised the white flag and sadly backed away from as many commitments as I could. First the nonprofit, then my sorority and finally church (mostly). I was still drowning in tasks at work with no help, even when I asked for it. I was doing as much as I could but spending the evenings engaged with my family (and an infant who thinks my laptop is a toy and would scream at me if I left the play area) and fulfilling my household duties left the wee hours of the morning for additional work time.
I burnt out quickly.
Even with the addition of a new staff member in June I had a lot to catch up on. And then with some additional staffing changes at work I inherited more responsibilities and the requirement to attend evening and weekend events – keeping me from my family even more. All with no financial compensation or additional time off. It was killing me that was spending so much time away from home while my baby is growing so fast.
But there’s a happy ending to this story!
Long story short, Dave’s postdoctoral position was coming to an end and he was offered a permanent position at the company which came with the awesome job title of “Laser Physicist” (how cool is that!) and a very nice raise.
This allowed us to finally take the steps to achieve one of our long-time goals…

I get to stay at home with Carter!
I officially quit my job this week and my last day will be either September 19 or 25 (they asked me to stay for a while to help wrap up projects but I also want a solid finish date so things don’t drag out). Either way, I’ll soon get to focus on playing, reading books, and going on field trips with my little guy, plus better supporting Dave in his new position and taking care of our home… and blogging more! I am beyond excited to have this opportunity and so grateful that I have a husband who supports me staying home.
Praise God for answered prayers!
I’m looking forward to this new stage of life and hope you’ll enjoy following along, too. Cheers!

Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting and I'm sure such a relief to have an end date to the madness. We are still in the waiting game for Jeremy's next steps but I'm hopeful seeing you guys a few steps ahead of us. Good luck in your next chapter!