Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Welcome to another edition of What I'm Loving Wednesday! Be sure to link up with Jamie and tell us what YOU are loving today!

I'm loving the beautiful weather we have been having! It sure beats the gloomy days of the past few weeks.

I'm loving the gals (and guy) I have been working with for a whole year now and I love that they got me the most beautiful flowers to celebrate my one year anniversary working here! And no, I didn't remember to take a picture of the flowers. Sorry.

I'm loving that this is a three day work week for me! After being away from home all last weekend I need that extra day to catch up on laundry and cleaning and naps.

I'm loving that Dave and I were able to take my youngest sister, Erin, and her boyfriend, Zach, to a club for the very first time on Sunday night. They seemed to have a good time!

And, as always, I'm loving my sweet husband!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah! I saw your comment on (A Step Into My Life) and I noticed that you said you live in hubby and I are moving there from South Carolina at the end of this month and we're so excited! Glad to find a Colorado blogger! Have a great weekend!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!