Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Sorry for the lack of updates during the holidays, but I was busy having a good time with Dave, friends and my extended family! So, here’s the holiday catch-up:

For the very first time, Dave and I decided to spend Christmas Eve and morning together with no other family or friends. We have spent the last three years going between my parents’ house and his parents’ house and there was barely any time for us to spend as a family starting new traditions together. This year it was very important to us to spend time together as a couple, deciding what is important to us and starting new traditions for our family. Besides, who knows how long it will be until our focus for Christmas will shift to kids!

We took a short day trip to Estes Park do to some last minute shopping and drive through Rocky Mountain National Park (to see some snow since it hadn’t snowed where we live). It was a lot of fun and a was also a nice little getaway for us!


That night we went to church, went out to dinner and then went to look at Christmas lights all over the city. We came home, lit a fire and watched a movie and went to bed (after we filled each other’s stockings!). It was a great, relaxing evening and Dave and I were so glad that we got to spend that time together!

Christmas morning we slept in (hooray!), looked in our stockings and opened gifts from one another. We cooked breakfast together and enjoyed hanging out doing nothing for a while. It was a great morning!


We spent the rest of the weekend celebrating Christmas with Dave’s parents. After that we headed to the mountains with my family to celebrate the holiday, spend time with my parents, siblings, aunt and uncle and especially to spend some time with my brother, Curtis, before his wedding in April. We went tubing and skiing, all hung out together in the hotel getting to know each other batter and had a great time!



All in all it was a great vacation for us and we really enjoyed being able to spend some quality time together and with our extended families. I hope you all had a great holiday season as well!

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